Sunday 29 December 2013

Ruling on working woman after marriage

(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
unless her husband is not able to and not capable of fulfilling the family`s needs. Is this true?
The Lord Creator Who created the man and the woman, gave each their distinct nature and a role to perform in a righteous society, and in His Absolute and Perfect Knowledge and Wisdom has assigned specific and equally important duties and responsibilities to both, the men and the women, according to their distinct nature.  Unfortunately today because this material and un-Godly world weighs everything with money, the role of work that brings in money in the house is looked upon with respect and adoration, but the equally important role of the maintaining the peace, tranquility, and well-being in a family is looked down upon with contempt and disrespect.

Just as it would create a major imbalance in society if both the husband and the wife decided to stay home and maintain the well-being of the family; if both the husband and the wife choose to go out and work, it too would create a major imbalance and adversely effect the well-being of the family!

The complete financial responsibilities of running a household is laid upon the man in Islam, and a woman, even if she is a millionaire in her own right, is not required to spend even one cent on the running of the house!  It would be the husband’s responsibility in Islam to provide the complete expenses for the running of the house. 

There is nothing in Islam which prohibits a woman from working is she wishes to do so, provided none of the social laws of the Lord All-Mighty are transgressed.  The money she earns is hers to keep and she is not required in Islam to spend even a cent of the money she earns in helping to run or share the expenses of the house, if she does not will to do so.

Your Question: Why should muslim women not be alowed to work?
Beloved Sister in Islam, there is nothing in Shariah which would prohibit a believing from working, provided none of the boundaries of Islam are transgressed.  The noble, chaste and beloved wife of the Messenger of Allah (saws), Hadrat Khadijah (r.a.), used to run her own International trading business, and was a very rich and successful businesswoman in her own right.  In fact, it was her association with the noble character of the Prophet (saws) during one of her business dealings which encouraged her to propose marriage to him!

Your Question; if she is willing to work although her husband doesnot allow her, can she go against him?
The husband and the wife are both responsible for the well-being of their sacred bond of marriage, and if one does something which the other strongly opposes and sees no need for it to be done, it would lead to all sorts of trouble in their marital relationship.

If the wife sincerely fears Allah and the Last Day, knows and respects and fulfills the role that her Lord has bestowed upon her which would earn her the eternal Gardens of Paradise in the Hereafter, and if she sincerely loves her husband and her marriage, she would not do anything that she knows would bring about disharmony in her relationship with her husband. 

A wife is well within her rights to choose to disobey her husband and go to work even if her husband does not allow her to do so, provided she is willing to face the consequences of her actions if her disobedience to her husband brings about the break up of her marriage!  If the husband does not allow his wife to work for any reason, and if the wife feels that her going to work is more important to her than her relationship or even marriage with her husband, she is well within her rights to choose to do so.

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